If your like our family, large, then can go through plenty of paper products. We find ourselves with a stock pile of paper towel and toilet paper rollers.
For Valentine’s Day we are going to attempt to make a Valentines Day Wreath out of two paper towel rollers.
- Need two paper towel rolls.
- You can paint the rollers prior, or spray paint the whole wreath when done.
- Flatten out the tube and then invert one side so you have a heart like shape.
- Cut the tube into roughly equal parts, I used a ruler.
- After cutting, I used my fingers to form out the hearts.
- Use hot glue to piece together wreath.
- Adjust as you glue so that you have a round wreath shape when finished.
- The finished wreath is on the small side so I decided to add another row of hearts.
- We used some red ribbon to hang ours.
I you like our Valentines Day Wreath, you should check out some of these other Valentines Day crafts.
What are some awesome crafts you have made with paper towel and toilet paper rollers.