Being a single father can be challenging, specifically when it comes to managing the kitchen. Statistics show that there are more than 2.3 million single dads in the US, and most of them probably struggle with kitchen woes.

Dad and Daughter cooking in the kitchen

Preparing healthy meals for your children may appear to be a daunting task. 

Fortunately, you do not have to be a culinary genius or have hours of free time to prepare nutritious and delicious meals. Cooking for your kids as a single father can be a bonding experience. You can learn a few simple hacks to master the skill and feel good about experimenting with recipes. 

Here are a few tips to ensure that your children eat nutritious and tasty meals every day.

Prepare ahead

Whether you are a novice or a seasoned home chef, kitchen prep can make all the difference. Plan ahead if you want to cook healthy meals as a single dad. Spend a few minutes each week planning your meals and putting together a menu that includes a variety of proteins, vegetables, and grains. 

You can think about prepping some ingredients after deciding on a strategy. These may include washing and chopping vegetables or marinating proteins. This small-time investment can save you from scrambling at dinnertime and make the cooking process go much more smoothly.

Prioritize simplicity

Your kitchen should have everything you need to stir a tasty meal on the fly. Experts recommend stocking it with simple and healthy ingredients. Keep easily available staples like whole grains (rice, pasta, and quinoa), canned beans, canned tomatoes, and spices on hand. 

For those looking for easy-to-cook, affordable meal kits that transform into delicious meals in minutes, EveryPlate[1]  offers culinary simplicity to achieve the goal. The best part is that you don’t have to struggle with grocery lists to find the perfect ingredients for a delicious and nutritious meal. You can order in a few clicks and experience culinary simplicity.

Check recipes online

The internet is a goldmine of culinary ideas, even for beginners with zero experience in the kitchen. You should be ready to seek inspiration and guidance from online recipes. Websites and apps provide a plethora of user-friendly recipes that cater to all levels of cooking expertise. You can even find recipes tailored to children’s tastes. 

Thus, it makes it easier to please even the pickiest eaters in your household. Simply searching for recipes that use the ingredients you already have will lead you to a world of culinary possibilities.

Master the art of batch cooking

Batch cooking is a single father’s best friend. It entails preparing large amounts of food at once, then portioning and freezing the leftovers for future meals. Cook a large batch of chili, spaghetti sauce, or soup on the weekend. 

You will have ready-made and healthy dinners during the busy weekdays. Batch cooking saves you time and effort. It also ensures that you always have wholesome options on hand. It also reduces the temptation to opt for convenience foods and ordering meals.

Involve your kids

You can involve your children in the cooking process to make mealtime a fun and interactive experience. They can assist with simple and age-appropriate tasks such as washing vegetables, stirring ingredients, or setting the table. 

The practice fosters precious bonding moments and a sense of ownership over the meal. It also makes kids more likely to try new foods. Furthermore, teaching them to cook is an invaluable life lesson that will serve them well for a lifetime.

Seek recommendations

You should not be afraid to ask friends, family, or other single dads who have successfully navigated the culinary challenges of parenting for recommendations. 

They might share their favorite kid-friendly recipes, time-saving tips, or local takeaway spots with healthy options. Sometimes, the best advice comes from those traveling down a similar road. Therefore, you should not hesitate to tap into your network’s collective wisdom.

Be ready to experiment

Cooking is about trial and error and learning new skills. Be ready to experiment with new ingredients, flavors, or cooking techniques. Learning how to improve knife skills is even better because it speeds you up in the kitchen. Moreover, it ensures safety on the countertop.

You can consider a recipe failure to be a learning experience rather than a blunder. With this approach, you will eventually develop your skills in go-to dishes that your kids adore. Remember that becoming a savvy single dad in the kitchen is a process.


Cooking healthy meals as a single father can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. You can ensure that your children eat nutritious and delicious meals by following these tips. Remember that your goal is to nourish your family and create lasting memories around the dinner table.

Dads Can Cook, How Single Dads Can Cook Healthy Meals For Their Kids, Days of a Domestic Dad