Tomorrowland is a 2015 film by Walt Disney studios and is a story that follows a curious teenage girl and a former boy genius who are both linked together through a shared interest in a land created by the smartest minds that have ever walked the earth that exists between space and time. Casey Newton (Britt Robertson), a girl with a scientific curiosity and a optimistic attitude towards everything, is driven to find a place known as Tomorrowland after a mysterious pendant fell into her possession that showed her the rare enigma in between worlds.
After finding a pessimistic older man named Frank Walker (George Clooney) who lived in Tomorrowland as a child but has now since been exiled from the scientific haven and along with the help of one of Frank’s old friends Athena (Raffey Cassidy) they set out on a journey to return to Tomorrowland to right what has been wronged and possibly save the world from itself.
Tomorrowland movie is an excellent piece of cinema and boasts extraordinary visuals and masterful performances from George Clooney, Britt Robertson and Raffey Cassidy, not to mention the direction of 2 time Oscar winner Brad Bird who has an entire arsenal of amazing films under his belt to which he can now add Tomorrowland. The overall mystery and awesomeness of Tomorrowland is sure to be a family hit that will keep everyone on the edge of their seat and racking their brains trying to keep up with the mysterious adventure that grabs a hold of you and guides you to a scientific world of tomorrow.
Own it on Blu-ray™ Combo Pack, Digital HD and Disney Movies Anywhere (DMA) October 13!