Disclosure: Fall Means Sweet Treats blog post is sponsored by P&G. All opinions are my own.
Avoiding sweet treats on Halloween is nearly impossible. The big box stores, grocery stores, and even pharmacies have entire aisles dedicated to sugary snacks. But hey, it’s once a year – right?
Happy Halloween – Treats no Tricks
As much as I would prefer that my kids didn’t indulge, we do get quite a kick out of preparing fun holiday treats. And who doesn’t like seeing happy little goblins and princesses?
We just need to be vigilant about our oral hygiene this time of year. That is why we make sure our kids brush with Crest.
Crest and Kroger have teamed up again to make sure our families won’t start the month of November with a mouthful of cavities. Kroger will be offering a $2.99 sale on a variety of Crest toothpaste products in preparation for Halloween.
And, on October 28th a $1-off coupon insert will be available inside local newspapers across the U.S. Readers will get a discount on a variety of Crest Toothpastes through November 10th.
A Few Interesting Stats from the Crest Candy Confessions Survey
Did you know that 86% of parents eat candy that was given to their children while trick-or-treating? Plus, 44% of parents admitted to eating more Halloween candy than their children? I have admit to eating some of the leftover candy if we buy too much.
But, 70% of parents enforce stricter teeth brushing routines around Halloween for their children. Parents need to do the same for themselves.
4 in 10 adults say that they enjoy the holiday even more now than when they were kids. For 37% of these adults, the reason why is because there’s no limit to the amount of candy they can consume.
So, it’s good to know that 7 out of 10 parents enforce a stricter teeth brushing and flossing routine for the entire family this time of year.
Kids Love Halloween
Let’s be real, kids and parents love Halloween. It is a time to dress up, stay up late, and score some candy. We are wired to like sweets.
Just look at this Crest video to see how kids react to healthy candy alternatives on Halloween.
They want the real deal and won’t be tricked out of a treat.
While shopping for your Halloween candy at Kroger be sure to also pick up some Crest cavity fighting toothpaste.
Make sure you and the kids brush and floss regularly before and after eating candy.
Take advantage of the $2.99 sale offer as well as the newspaper coupon insert for $1.00 off Crest toothpaste and other products at Kroger for a limited time.