Whether you’re newly hired or not, you’ve probably heard about employee onboarding and orientation programs. These processes are vital for a company’s success.
Onboarding and Orientation Programs
For starters, onboarding is a process to build engagement from an employee’s first day of work until they become established within the company. On the other hand, orientation is a stage wherein new hires are formally introduced to the organization’s mission, vision, culture, and values.
These processes are important for companies; even yours. This way, your new employees will experience the following that would also help your business grow.
For streamlined onboarding, many businesses have turned to HRIS systems, which are ideal for managing the onboarding experience. HRIS systems enable companies to create structured onboarding tasks and checkpoints, ensuring that each new hire is fully prepared for their first day. Additionally, these systems facilitate the seamless distribution of offer letters, contracts, and other essential documents, simplifying the administrative burden associated with welcoming new employees. Through the use of HRIS systems, organizations can enhance the onboarding experience, strengthen employee relationships, and optimize operational efficiency.
Feel Welcomed
One of the well-known reasons why organizations need onboarding and orientation is for them to feel welcomed. It’s already nerve-wracking to imagine moving to a new workplace. And you can help your employees to feel better through onboarding and orientations.
This will make them feel that you really want them to be on your team and that you’re excited to have them. This will boost their confidence and morale.
To ensure that you’re able to make them feel welcome, don’t forget to prepare for their basic needs. Notifying your current employees about the arrival of your new hire will also help them prepare for changes when their new co-worker comes.
Understand Roles
Understanding roles is important in an organization. Hence, new employee onboarding and orientation programs are made. This way, they know what to do. Their roles and responsibilities are clear, and they will know what’s expected of them.
Having a good understanding of one’s role also helps get everything done. Because everyone already knows what to do, getting things done will be a lot easier.
Additionally, employees won’t argue over things as to who gets to do this and that. They won’t fail to focus on things that matter too.
Be on the Same Page
Speaking of understanding roles, it’s also crucial for your employees to understand your organization. Without it, they won’t have any direction, especially when a difficult situation arises.
Onboarding and orientation also allow new hires to be on the same page as the company. Through this, you can explain your organization’s mission, vision, goals, culture, and more. This ensures that your employees know how to behave well for your company’s goals and image. Plus, they have and a direction, and they know how to get there.
Smooth Transition
Moving to a new workplace isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes, it can be challenging too, as not all companies are created equal. Therefore, you can’t expect your employees to catch up in merely a matter of hours.
Even if you have the best talent for the job, remember, they’re humans too. They also need to adjust. And with onboarding and orientation, you can help them transition smoothly. Through onboarding and orientation, your new hires will get an idea of what they need to do and what your organization expects from them. Hence, the importance of the two.
Increase Employee Retention
It can be easy to find the right talent for your organization. However, it’s hard to make them stay. Luckily, onboarding can help you with that.
There are many reasons why employees leave their company. It could be the culture, the salary, and believe it or not, it could also be because of onboarding.
Again, onboarding helps give employees clarity about their role and the organization’s goals. It has to be done right, so you’re guaranteed you’re both on the same page. Because if not, things can get unclear and everyone might get confused, which could result in issues and misunderstandings in the organization. Thus, people leave.
But, if you make things clear from the start, you can improve your employee retention rate. In fact, reports show that it’s because it makes employees feel more connected.
Cultivate Communication and Teamwork
When you’re new, it’s hard to know what to do next and who to talk to for help. As a result, outputs are affected and employees’ confidence may decline. For that reason, organizations need onboarding and orientation.
Through this, they’ll have a clear understanding of their tasks and how they should be done. Plus, they will get to know their co-workers better. So, when they need some help with their tasks, they have someone to guide them.
Searching through tons of resumes and interviewing numerous candidates for days or even weeks can sure be tiring, not to mention time-consuming