Drug addiction takes on increasingly catastrophic proportions every year. And one of the main factors of its spread is the availability of drugs.
Becoming addicted is easy, but getting rid of drug addiction is very difficult. This will definitely require the help of professional specialists.
There are a lot of drug treatment programs no insurance or private clinics that successfully cope with the treatment of drug addicts, which allows them to start a brand new life. Finding the top drug addiction rehab centers can make a significant difference in recovery, providing the right support and therapy to help individuals overcome substance abuse.
For this purpose, a whole set of measures aimed at getting rid of the problem is being carried out.
The first stage is complete detoxification of the body, which is necessary for the removal of narcotic substances. During the same procedures, the unpleasant sensations that arise when refusing to use drugs – the so-called breaking – are reduced.
This period is reduced in comparison with the refusal of drugs by the person himself independently and without medical support.
After completely cleansing the body in hospital conditions, cold turkey is performed – drugs are sewn under the skin (into fatty tissue), reducing the desire to use drugs. They act as follows: they suppress sensitive receptors that provide pleasure under the influence of narcotic drugs.
In the last stage, psychological rehabilitation is necessary.
In this article, we explain why psychological rehabilitation is important, how family can help support a drug addict during rehabilitation, and how to find rehabs without insurance if you have no finances to pay for one.
Why psychotherapy is important
When using drugs, a person usually changes the environment. Among the new friends there are more addicts, and relations with loved ones, on the contrary, fall apart. That is why the help of a psychologist in the treatment process is so important. Such a specialist helps to understand oneself, and to establish relationships with loved ones. It provides a chance for a drug addict to feel needed by society, to adapt to a new role faster. Psychological help can be a great boost:
– find a job;
– establish a personal life;
– start leading a healthy lifestyle.
Just imagine how difficult it would be for a person after successful treatment but utterly unprepared for it.
If relatives and friends have not yet been able to forgive all the insults, physical violence, and pain they endured, then it would be very difficult for such a patient. And the worst thing is that the temptation to return to drugs would be waiting for him almost at every step.
Psychologists and psychotherapists work in such a way as not only to relieve a person of all these problems but also to help him fight them on his own.
In most rehabs without insurance, both individual and group classes, targeted and preventive conversations are held for this purpose. All this becomes an integral part of successful drug addiction treatment, from which you can get rid of.
Psychotherapy and groups for drug addicts a healthier relationship with the addicted person, indirectly supporting the motivation for drug treatment without insurance. It is almost impossible to do without the help of experts from rehabs without insurance.
How family can help
Family plays a significant role in the problem of addiction, and it would be good if the closest people also visited a psychotherapist and groups for co-addicts or found ways for help for addicts without insurance.
The first and most important thing friends and family can do is start a simple talk. The purpose of this conversation is simple: to find out, tactfully and without pressure, what really pushed a person to start using drugs.
Say that you know about the problem, will be there and ready to help. The format of the conversation should be non-judgmental and non-intrusive. Your goal is for the person to make the decision about help.
Build trust and support – a person with an addiction needs acceptance and a healthy environment within the family. During the conversation, sincerity and openness on your part is very important: without judgment and criticism.
You should approach this conversation as you would a conversation with a small child when he is sick and you really want to cure him. You don’t judge a child when he has a high temperature, but you try to knock him down as soon as possible? Your desire to help should be sincere.
Treatment of drug addiction at home will only harm. This way, you will lose time. There will be unsuccessful attempts, strengthening the patient’s distrust of treatment methods. Relatives will be disappointed because it doesn’t work.
Neither treatment at home, nor self-medication, nor, moreover, folk methods will help. It is better to google kinds of help for addicts without insurance if you don’t have one or find a nice clinic.