Staci and I haven’t worried too much about our children using recreational drugs. We have raised and are still raising 5 good kids whom we communicate with openly. However, we are absolutely aware of the temptations that are all around us and that our girls may at some point be curious or feel some peer pressure to experiment. Two of our 5 children are young teenagers at impressionable ages.
Though our first line of defense is to always keep an open and truthful dialogue going between us and all of our kids, so we have decided to make a small investment in a First Check Home Drug Test to have on hand in case we see any unusual behavior.
Tools for Parents
Have a prevention plan. Drug abuse prevention starts in the home. Keep all prescription drugs locked up. Let your children know the dangers and consequences of using prescription and recreational drugs early on. Keep a drug test kit on hand and let them know you will use it if need be.
Don’t shame or scare. Having a drug test kit in your home should not be a tool of intimidation. It is one of genuine concern and love. Explain to your kids that the test kit is for their own safety, whether it is the first test for suspected drug use or if it is used as a tool to help with recovery and sobriety.
Empower your kids. Sometimes kids are just not strong enough to step away from peer pressure. They may need a little backup. Tell your children that they can decline to try drugs by explaining that their parents will test them, and they don’t want to have to deal with that.
Finally, get a drug test kit. The First Check Home Drug Test kit can provide a quick answer to your concerns in the privacy of your home, whether for a first test or for routine testing after an initial incident. These are available over the counter at most popular retailers and pharmacies. You can also find them online. First Check Home Drug Tests are over 99% accurate with results within 5 minutes for up to 14 of the most commonly abused drugs. Included is a
As a mom I know that raising children is the hardest job there is. ~ Hilary Rosen
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While our girls are