Every once and awhile Staci and I like to spend a little time with the kids, one on one to give them the attention they need. Since we have been pretty busy lately with our family travelling to Florida and me going to LA for an red carpet event it has been a little difficult.
Take Time to Take Your Child on a Date
For the longest time Staci and I have been setting time aside to go on date nights with our kids. Sometimes it could be more than one kiddo at a time, but most of the time is one on one. Do you take your kid(s) on date nights?
Date – a social or romantic appointment or engagement.
We have found that spending a little extra time every once and awhile it is beneficial to both child and parent. Whether if we are going out to eat, grabbing a cup of coffee/hot chocolate, or catching a movie we like to visit about what is on our mind.
Disney Second Screening Live
Last month I was able to take the younger girls to go see Disney’s Second Screen of “The Little Mermaid” and the loved it. So when the Second Screen of “The Nightmare Before Christmas” was released October 18 we were excited. With Disney Second Screen Live, you have the chance to interact with the movie and couple charictures with your Apple iPad. The downloadable app makes the experience a challenging with interactive games and songs.
Second Screen Live is an all-new Walt Disney Studios mobile application that enhances the theatrical moviegoing experience. Unlike the traditional theatrical experience, Second Screen Live is a special screening event for iPad users only where moviegoers are encouraged to “break the rules” and experience a classic film in an exciting new way through gameplay on their tablet device.
About The Nightmare Before Christmas
Bored with the same old scare-and-scream routine, Pumpkin King Jack Skellington longs to spread the joy of Christmas. But his merry mission puts Santa in jeopardy and creates a nightmare for good little boys and girls everywhere!
If you have the chance to catch a date with one or all of your children, I hope you concider taking them to a Disney Second Screen Live event!