Very few people walk away from a car accident without sustaining some physical or mental injury. The road to recovery is a long one, whether you’re learning how to walk again, you’ve been left permanently disabled, or you’re now suffering anxiety and sleepless nights after the event.

A Car Accident can change your life, are you prepared?

How Many Car Accident Per Year

It’s not always easy to avoid a car accident. Even if you’re a confident and conscientious driver, you’re still at the mercy of other road users who may not take road safety as seriously as you do.

However, the best way to protect yourself from a car accident is to follow the rules of the road, never engage with aggressive drivers and focus on what’s ahead. Taking out a good insurance policy that provides you will all the cover you need. Should also give you peace of mind that if anything does happen. Your insurance company will claim the costs back from the other insurance party – wondering what is Subrogation? Click the link to find out more.

So, in what other ways can your life be impacted by a road accident? Here we’ll explore 4 shocking ways a car accident could change your life.

Your time won’t be your own

Depending on the severity of your injuries, you could find yourself faced with years of hospital appointments and doctor visits. Even in the weeks and months following your accident you’ll find your free time is greatly diminished. You’re going back and forth to the hospital, meeting with your car accident attorney, trying to arrange transportation, resting your injuries, trying to be a parent and manage all your other obligations. All of this added stress can seriously harm your recovery process and your mental health!

If the accident you were in could have been avoided and you’ve decided to take action in the form of a personal injury case. Then the next few months of your life could be dominated by gathering evidence, negotiations and meetings with your car accident attorney. You may also have to hear why the other party believes that you were at fault. Something which is difficult to absorb.

Car Accident Deaths Per Year

If you’re the survivor of the crash and others were tragically killed, then you’ll be dealing with all kinds of emotional trauma. These include grief and all its stages, as well as funeral arrangements and memorial services. You’ll be dealing with guilt and all the possible “what-if” scenarios. All whilst dealing with the legalities of the situation.

Physical impacts

If your injuries have rendered you bed-bound, unable to look after yourself or enjoy life as you once did then your life is certainly going to be different for a while. If not permanently. Burns, scars and amputations can also take their toll on your mental wellbeing as well as your physical health. You may have to learn how to do certain things again. Find new hobbies and interests and struggle to make physical connections with those you love the most.

Find a Car Accident Lawyer Near Me

It’s safe to say, that being in a car accident is clearly a devastating event. If you’ve been involved in an accident that could have been avoided, reach out to a car accident lawyer near me.

All in all, every auto accident is different, each resulting in differing levels of damages, injuries, and losses. As explained by the legal team behind Maguire Law Firm what you do at the scene of the accident and the days after can dramatically affect your ability to recover compensation for your damages. Besides, there can be major mental or emotional losses due to injuries sustained in the accident. There are a lot of people who want to handle these cases on their own, but calling an experienced car accident lawyer is incredibly important, as they know how to calculate the value of these losses, which can include problems like depression, anxiety, inability to work, or to perform marital duties, or to be able to care for children, and more.