Effective oral health is easier said than done when you’ve struggled with it for years. You can feel as though you’re not making a difference if you aren’t using the right products in the right order.

Result Of Not Brushing Your Teeth

The sequence of tasks does make a difference, as one can have an impact on the efficiency of the next. In combination, they should help you protect your teeth and gums more easily, improve any issues with your enamel or sensitivity, and freshen your breath. So, what should Miranda residents use, and in what order?

1) Flossing

Many people think that flossing is one of the last things that you do as part of your oral health plan. However, it should be the first thing. The reason for this is simple. Flossing draws out all the debris and plaque caught up between your teeth, making it easier to get a brush into those gaps later on in your dental routine. Getting into the habit of flossing can be difficult if it’s new to you because it feels like such an awkward chore. One trick is to start with a few teeth each morning and slowly build from there. Eventually, it will become second nature. It’s also a good idea to get quality floss with a nice taste and to leave it on the counter where you won’t forget about it.

2) Oil Pulling (Optional)

Once the flossing stage is done, some people like to carry out a little oil pulling to help draw out some of the bacteria in the mouth and improve their oral health further. Some people swear by using coconut oil this way, although dentists might not highlight it in their oral care advice. It also takes at least 5 minutes, so it may take too long for most people. As long as it’s good quality oil, you don’t swallow it, and you continue with the following steps, it could be worth a try.

3) Brushing

Next, you want to brush your teeth so you can scrub them and get a deeper clean with all that horrible tooth gunk removed. There are three things you need for a good teeth cleaning session: a decent brush, good toothpaste, and the right technique. There’s always going to be some debate about the best type of brush. Some prefer manual brushes because they give them more control, and they don’t feel as though they’ll get complacent. Others prefer the action of an electric toothbrush and say it’s more reliable.

What matters most is that you reach all the teeth from all angles for the best possible clean. Children are often taught to work through their mouth, with 30 seconds spent in each quarter, while using a good circular motion. Adults can benefit from this when they feel themselves getting lazy. They should also remember to go back behind their teeth and not just scrub the parts people can see. As for the toothpaste, this is going to depend on what you need the most help with. Some great multipurpose products can help with plaque, cavity prevention, gum health, fresher breath, and more. Others are more focused on specific factors, such as whitening toothpaste, ones that strengthen enamel, and ones for people with sensitivity issues.

4) Tongue Scraping

This is a process that many Miranda residents would admit to skipping. If they’ve brushed their teeth and carried out the final step, what’s the point of adding in tongue scraping? Well, it can be a useful step, even if it takes some time to get used to. A lot of dirt and bacteria can end up trapped on our tongues, no matter how well we brush our teeth or how many healthy drinks we have during the day. Scraping a tongue can help loosen some of that, opening up the surface for a better clean with the mouthwash. There are special tools that you can use to scrape against the tongue. Some brushes even come with these textured surfaces on the back. It may be uncomfortable to begin with, but it’s worth getting used to it. You could end up with a much cleaner mouth and fresher breath for it, especially if you do all this after your morning coffee.

5) Mouthwash

You may have seen social media posts about mouthwash coming before brushing instead. The idea behind this is that mouthwash could wash out all the benefits of the toothpaste, leaving nothing behind on the tooth. Of course, that all depends on the type of toothpaste you use and its benefits, as well as the added ingredients in your mouthwash. The best approach is to speak with a Miranda-based dentist to find the right method for your oral care needs. If they say to use toothpaste last to retain the effects on sensitivity or enamel repair, do so. If they say that’s not important, stick with using the mouthwash last.

As with toothpaste, there are lots of different types of mouthwash out there that are suitable for different ages and issues. Some will be more active in dealing with stubborn plaque and gum health, while others will have whitening agents or something for the enamel. Your dentist should be able to advise you on the right type of mouthwash to match your oral health care needs. You can then focus on getting one with good taste, deciding if it should be alcohol-free, and getting one within your budget.

Find A Routine That Works For You

You may find that other guides or online videos put these steps in a different order or include something else. There are always going to be differing opinions on best practices, as well as new fads for people to try. The most important thing you need to do is brush your teeth correctly, with the right toothpaste, twice a day. Start with this habit if you’ve been completely neglecting your oral care, and build from there. You can then start making mouthwash a regular thing afterward, then work on some flossing and tongue scraping. Oral health care doesn’t have to be scary, and it’s not too late to make it a priority. Talk to your Miranda dentist and find what works.

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