Getting your monthly bill shouldn’t result in a panic attack. Unfortunately, for many people, it does. It can be tough to keep up with how quickly the cost of living rises, especially when life throws you a few extra expenses like an emergency dental visit or a sudden and desperate need for car repair.
Lower Your Monthly Bills
The following will explore some of the things you can do to lower your monthly bills.
Eat At Home
One of the fastest ways to overspend is by eating out. Take out or fast food, or convenience store snack runs or coffee shop visits seem like they’re costing you very little—$2.50 here, $5.00 there, $26.97 over here—but this adds up insanely fast. If you don’t believe it, go through a monthly bank statement. Once you realize how much you’re spending on eating food outside the home, add that total to your grocery bill, and suddenly, you’ll realize eating is costing you an exorbitant amount. Buying your groceries and cooking at home and not only will you save a ton of money each month, but you’ll also be, on average, healthier and less depressed or anxious.
Unplug Things When They’re Not In Use
When things are plugged in, even when they’re turned off, the outlet is still giving a bit of a charge, and this means you’re paying for all your appliances to be off. It might seem like a nuisance to unplug the blender when you’re done with it, but this adds up, and quickly you become used to the extra step that takes maybe a few seconds at most. Believe it or not, this can cut your utility bill by 10% or more.
Address The Energy Monsters In Your Home
Some devices take a ridiculous amount of energy to power (and they’re not always the ones you expect; for example, a clothing iron uses more power than a vacuum). Air conditioners, space heaters, water heaters, washer and dryer machines, refrigerators, and lightbulbs use an intense amount of power. Be cognizant of how high you blast the air conditioning and how often you wash half-sized loads of laundry. And, of course, replace your lightbulbs with energy-efficient ones. Yes, lightbulbs are small, but you use them a lot, and they can add a hefty amount to your bill if you’re not careful.
Consider Energy Saving Devices
Just like there are energy vampires in your home, there are devices and items that can help reduce energy usage without impacting your daily life. Things like surge boards and smart showerheads can help you save money. Whenever you’re about to buy a new deceive, spend some time doing research on what options there are to minimize the cost of using them.
Find A Less Expensive Place To Live
This is a big change, yes, but it can result in a massive boost to your peace of mind if your rent is lower. Look at different neighborhoods, and be sure to keep in mind any additional costs for your commute to be sure you’re not saving a bit in one place and spending more in another. You’ll get all the bonus points if you can find a place that leaves you close enough to work that you can walk or bike on nice days (this also results in you have way more free time, which also contributes to peace of mind).
Address Your Cell Phone
There’s a new age of cell phone plans and provisions, and many of the newer options are far less expensive. If you like your phone carrier, you can also consider moving down a plan by opting for fewer minutes or data. Even if you don’t want to switch your plan, you can still put in the effort to stay within your monthly data and minutes, as going over can result in ridiculous fees.
Ask About Auto Insurance Discounts
There are things you can do to lower the cost of your insurance, and it might be worth speaking to your provider about what you can do to get that payment down. Sometimes something like taking a defensive driving course can save you a lot of money in the long run. And while we’re talking about cars, never lease a car. This is a terrible financial investment that never pays off.
Audit Your Memberships
How many streaming services or subscription boxes are you signed up for? How often do you use them? Do you have memberships with several websites that you don’t need anymore? Are you paying for a domain you’re no longer using? Do you have a gym membership you don’t use? Look for the expenses that could disappear without impacting your life at all.