So you’ve just got your new pool, and you’re getting ready to relax on the water. Getting a new pool isn’t just about relaxing and some swimming for exercise, though. If you want to keep using your pool for the years to come. Lets talk pool maintenance.
Guide on Pool Maintenance
Then you will need to make sure that it’s well maintained. You can visit this site for more information on the best vacuums for above-ground pools, but that’s not the only thing that you need to think about!
Pool maintenance can be a little confusing at first, so you may not be entirely sure where to start. Thankfully, we’re here to help. Read on for our beginners guide on pool maintenance so you know exactly what you need to do!
Get Good Circulation
When you have a pool, one thing you want to ensure that is avoided is stagnant water. The water should not be standing still for too long in your pool. If the water is stagnant then it’s more likely to become dirty fast, meaning that you are going to have to clean it far more often. By making sure that the water is circulating well, you are more likely to be safe and content when you are swimming.
How Much is Pool Maintenance
You should keep an eye out for issues that might develop such as pool algae or cloudy water, since both of these can indicate that your pool circulation isn’t good enough. You can avoid issues by ensuring that the filter and pump system are constantly running all day. If you can’t keep it constantly running, then you need to ensure that it’s running for a minimum of 10 to 12 hours every day.
Keep an eye on your filter, too – backwash it regularly.
Have a Schedule for Pool Cleaning
Ah, pool cleaning – it’s nobody’s favorite thing to do, but it’s a necessary evil if you want to keep your pool in good working order. If you followed the previous tip then you will already have a significantly easier job cleaning your pool since algae and dirty water aren’t as likely to build up, but you’re still going to have to make the effort to actually clean the pool on a fairly regular basis.
Grab yourself a net skimmer, a pool vacuum and a pool brush to get started. You should be vacuuming, brushing and skimming your pool at least once a week, though some pools will require even more cleaning than this. Things like baking soda paste usually work like a dream for basic scouring cleaners.
You could even save yourself even more work by getting an automatic pool cleaner, though bear in mind that you are still going to need to skim and brush the pool weekly.
Ensure the PH Levels Are Correct
The chemicals in the water of your pool are pretty important. They aren’t just there to feel uncomfortable as they go up your nose while you’re swimming! Making sure all of the chemicals are correct in the pool is key to maintaining it well.
Make sure that you have a water testing kit on hand. This will help you to check that things like the PH levels are correct. The right pH of the pool should be in between 7.4 and 7.6. You will then need to ensure that the alkaline range is between 100 and 150 ppm. Finally, you need to ensure that the sanitizer levels are correct – the amount will differ depending on the sanitizer that you are going to use.
If the levels look off, make sure that you do the right thing to change the levels such as adding more of certain chemicals.
Getting those chemical levels right will keep you and anyone else who goes into the pool safe, since they won’t be surrounded by so much bacteria.
Get The Water Checked
So those are the things you should regularly be keeping on top of. Once a month at least though, it’s worthwhile to get a professional to check the water for you. They will ensure that the pool is being maintained properly since their equipment can detect the chemical levels in the pool.
They can also check for warning signs of problems such as algae and bacteria growth. Bring them a sample and they can check all of this for you.