Dealing with infertility can be heartbreaking for many couples. It is a major setback and can place a lot of stress on the relationship.
It’s essential to learn how to cope with infertility, find fertility treatment options that work best for you, and communicate effectively as a couple to maintain a healthy relationship.
Many couples dealing with infertility feel as if their closest family members and friends do not fully understand what they are going through, so it’s common for couples to shut out those closest to them. However, it is important to remember that they are there for you and want to offer their support. These six tips will help guide couples on how to deal with infertility.
Have Sincere and Open Communication
It is important for couples to communicate honestly with each other when dealing with infertility. Both partners need to be completely open and honest with one another about how they are feeling. This will help promote an understanding between both of them.
It is also important that both are patient in allowing the other partner to express their feelings. Infertility can affect men just as much as women. They are the partners that are not experiencing any of the effects, but they are there to support their partner and should not be excluded from expressing their feelings. Couples need to be capable of efficiently communicating with one another in order for them to work through what is going on without creating too much stress or tension.
Consult With Infertility Experts
Another way couples can help cope with this challenging situation is to speak with an infertility specialist. These experts are trained to deal with couples that are struggling with getting pregnant, and they know what the couple is going through firsthand. Depending on the level of infertility, a doctor might recommend trying some treatments that can help improve the chances of getting pregnant or they can help you get help from a leading egg donor registry. Some couples wait too long to consult with an infertility specialist, and this is very unfortunate since they are missing out on possible treatments that could be helpful for them.
Even if a couple decides not to pursue fertility treatments, talking with an infertility specialist can still be very beneficial. More often than not, these professionals will take the time to answer questions and offer support that is not available at a regular doctor’s office.
This person will be able to suggest specific treatments or procedures that can help increase their chances of conceiving a child, provide emotional support, and help the couple understand what to expect during this time.
Know and Understand the Other Partner’s Needs
It is important for couples to identify what each other needs in order to feel supported. Many times, infertility can cause tension and lead to unnecessary arguments between the two partners as they struggle to deal with this frustrating situation.
Couples should be open and try as much as possible not to take anything personally. When they can recognize each other’s needs, they will be more capable of creating a plan that works for both of them and not just one partner.
Trying to find some common ground is also another way couples can better understand what their partner needs in order to cope with infertility. It might be helpful if both partners agree to go to counseling together when dealing with infertility.
Educate Yourselves About Infertility
Couples dealing with infertility should educate themselves on this situation. This is very important since most people have no idea how it feels to go through this type of situation. They might not understand the extent of what you are going through or they might feel uncomfortable asking questions about infertility.
Many couples turn to support groups in order to get more information on infertility and connect with others that are approaching this situation. Some might not feel the need to join a support group, but it can be helpful if they turn to reputable websites like WebMD, The American Pregnancy Association, Resolve (The National Infertility Association), or UpToDate in order to get more insight into what they are going through.
Education can also help couples understand more about their specific situation and what treatments might be best that will allow them to achieve a healthy pregnancy.
Create a Support Team for Your Relationship
Even though infertility can often affect one partner more than the other, it is important that both partners have a strong support system during this trying time. Each partner should have access to support from their own support team.
The support system can come in many different forms and might include: family members, close friends, a therapist, and possibly a support group. These people will be able to provide that extra guidance if needed and offer words of encouragement or just listen when things seem tough.
A therapist should also be included on the support team if the couple feels it will help them cope with infertility. This professional can help identify specific coping skills that each partner needs to learn and provide insight on how to better understand what their partner might be going through.
Be Part of a Community
Another way couples can better cope with infertility is to be part of a community. This might include joining an infertility support group or attending different forums where they can chat about what they are going through. Some couples feel like people will look at them differently if they talk about their fertility struggles; however, this does not have to be the case. If they connect to the right people and share their stories, many will be able to offer support and insights that could very well help them cope with this situation.
Being part of a community can help remind couples why they decided to start a family in the first place and what it means for them to become parents. It also gives these couples an opportunity to do something productive while waiting to hear about their test results.