You may be in the market for a furry bundle of joy as an adorable addition to your household. There is no doubt these loyal and affectionate companions can bring a great deal of love and happiness into your life, along with being playmates and best friends.
If this is your first time purchasing a puppy, then it bears reminding that this is a big commitment and a decision that needs to be thought through carefully. This article will highlight some of the things to consider before buying a puppy.
House Training
Puppies need to learn everything from scratch. Training them can be hard work, and will require a significant investment of time. Your puppy will need to be house-trained, and while it is learning it will have accidents around the house, which means a great deal of cleaning. Since they typically need to be taken outdoors to eliminate immediately after eating and drinking, toilet breaks for your dog will be frequently required.
Aside from the initial purchase, owning a dog comes with many costs. In addition to leashes, collars, and food your puppy will require vaccinations, medications, health checks, and treatment in the event of an accident or illness. These small pets come with big bills, so be prepared by getting pet insurance before picking up your new puppy. If you are looking to purchase a bernedoodle, you can find bernedoodle puppies for sale in PA at this site.
From regular walks and training to veterinary appointments, your puppy will need to be cared for while you are at work and away on vacation. You need to consider whether you can commit to walking your puppy every day, and who will look after it if you are busy.
If your puppy will be left alone for much of the day is there enough space in your home for it to roam around freely? Do you have a garden for your dog to exercise in and go to the toilet or a nearby park where you can take it for regular walks? All of these things need to be considered before you decide to become a dog parent.
Puppy Proofing
Before you bring your new puppy home, make sure to prepare your home. Puppies are curious, energetic, and can also be destructive. They like to explore, eat, chew, and bite things in their environment which includes your furniture, clothing, and just about anything else they can get their paws on.
Until it is properly house trained expect your puppy to act in unruly and disobedient ways. Do what you can to puppy-proof each of the rooms in your house. Consider adding child safety locks on lower cabinets and keep electrical cords and sharp objects out of reach.
Make sure to have your home ready with puppy supplies before you bring your new addition home. Start with the essentials which include:
· Puppy food
· Collar and ID tags
· Dog bed
· Leash
· Chew toys
· Bowls for food and water
· Grooming items
Having given thought to these five areas you can now make an informed decision as to whether purchasing a puppy is right for you.