If you found and read this blog post, then hopefully, you are going to be a dad. Coming from a dad of five and seven pregnacies, things are about to get good.

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You're Going To Be A Dad, You’re Going To Be A Dad – Book Review, Days of a Domestic Dad

You’re Going To Be A Dad

If you don’t know much about me, take a stroll through some of my family articles on the blog. I have five loving children and two grandchildren that are just a joy to be around. So when I say I love my kids, I genuinely mean it.

But, this post isn’t about me or my story. It’s about your story. The one that you are working on as you read.

You're Going To Be A Dad, You’re Going To Be A Dad – Book Review, Days of a Domestic Dad

The First Trimester – Observation

I have to admit; our first pregnancy was a little of a glorious hot mess. We knew and planned to have our first child shortly after marriage. Thankfully the first trimester is pretty low-key, as long as everything in the oven is developing correctly.

This period of time is what I call the observation deck. This is where you, the dad, wait to feel how things are going for the one carrying the load.

As mentioned before, I have helped my wife walk through seven pregnancies, two of which ended in miscarriage, and that is not fun.

In the book, You’re Going to Be a Dad, a panel of Dads breaks down what they learned during their pregnancies and into the first year.

We’ve interviewed over 50 new dads and dads-to-be across the world. These have
been men across the US, UK, Australia, and more, with a view of sharing personal insights at relevant stages of the journey from multiple dad perspectives. These have been dads who have conceived naturally, through to dads who have gone through IVF, dads of twins, and many more backgrounds. These insights have helped show how diverse early-stage fatherhood is and how it’s far from a size fits all.

The Second Trimester – Get in a Groove

This one is easy and hard at the same time, so listen up. That is it, LISTEN. Your baby partner has something constantly evolving inside of them. Thankfully most of the sickness is gone, but this is when you, the dad needs to get in a groove.

Now for me, I’m an acts of service kind of guy. So, I would take care of my wife till she would get irritated with me, at tel me to leave her alone.

My experience during this timeframe is finding a comfortable groove that works well for both parents. And if you need to take care of any loose business, now is the time.

You're Going To Be A Dad, You’re Going To Be A Dad – Book Review, Days of a Domestic Dad

The Third Trimester – Let GO

I love the third trimester of pregnancy. I love feeling a soft press of a baby’s hand or feet from inside the womb. I love the glow of my wife’s face and body.

But, if I was to ask my wife, she would say the third trimester was the most uncomfortable part of this baby adventure.

Luckly in this book, it goes far beyond the surface level. Where traditional dad books have often had advice like just don’t forget to put the beer away. The guys over at DADDLIFE have spent the last few months exploring the deeper challenges and tensions that modern dad dads go through and actually want actual advice on.

As a result, we break down the pregnancy journey week by week, exploring the science of mother & baby, dad’s psychology, and a weekly checklist for dads to make a plan of action.

Amazon – You’re Going To Be A Dad

This detailed guide, from the writers and dads at DaddiLife – the worlds leading online platform for fathers – provides the reassurance and practical advice needed for modern day dads.

It addresses the real challenges that new dads and dads to be go through, while also providing the answers at every step of the way – from conception and early scans, through to delivery and the full first year with your baby, including the important milestones at each stage with your new extended family.