After 5 kids you would think I would be a pro at potty training. In fact, baby #5 should have been out of diapers as soon as she could walk. Right? Well, I think personality tends to play a big role and, if I have learned anything along the way, each child is different. My older three girls were all potty-trained by 21 months because I did not want 2 in diapers at any given time. My son had just turned three… he was lazy and there was no upcoming birth to press me into forcing it. But our youngest. She is a character all her own!
Potty Training Tips
Every one of the potty training tips I know and have found we have tried with her. She will be three in September and is partially trained. Basically, she goes potty all day long. Never has an accident… unless she get engulfed in a movie or play and does not want to leave where she is. But she does this all in the comfort of our home. And only because she has the freedom to run around bottomless all day. It is the only solution we have found with her. If we put bottoms of any sort on her she has an accident. Every time. Without fail.
Therefore, we still use Pull-Ups when we are out and about. Plus, most nights she wakes up dry but we still use Pull Ups at night as well. I am not sure if it is her sheer defiance towards wearing clothes or simple misunderstanding of the concept. It is hard to be consistent in not putting a pull up on her when we cannot get her to wear shorts, pants, any bottoms yet without an accident. These are a few of the Potty Training Tips we have tried:
Pull-Ups Potty Breaks
Pull-Ups® have come up with some great tools to help your little one become a Big Kid®. You can make potty training easy with the Big Kid Timer. Simply download the timer, set it for the next potty break, and push start. When the timer goes off you know it is time to take your trainee to the bathroom for a potty break. Also, once they achieve success, you can schedule a fun phone call from a popular Disney character. Pick from either Mater or Cinderella and then schedule a date and time for the call. Preview the call your child will receive and then enter a phone number. Be ready when the call comes in and watch their face light up as they listen to the voice on the other end. Being able to encourage her with a phone call has been great. It motivates her to try a little harder while we are out and has taught us to be more consistent with her potty breaks.
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