Disclosure: Sponsored post by Omron. All opinions are my own.
Staci and I have almost completed our first 30 days of the Omron 90 Day Challenge to improve our cardiovascular health. The first month is going well and because diet is tied to reducing blood pressure and bad cholesterol we’ve paid close attention to what we’re consuming by exploring the Whole30 diet. We plan to segue into a more Paleo style of diet going into month two. Here is what we are doing going forward.
90 Day Challenge Progress Report
The Paleo diet eliminates all grains and legumes. The bulk of our meal plans will be centered on lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, and certain fruits. Basically, we are getting anything that is sugar or quickly converts to sugar in our diets out. We have learned on this journey that saturated fat and salt aren’t the only things that affect our heart health. Excessive sugar is not good for us at all, especially those found in highly processed foods.
Since we started walking and jogging around our neighborhood, we have had more energy than ever. We are up to approximately 3 miles every other day. Cardio is great for supplying much-needed oxygen to our muscles, including that very important heart muscle. It also helps us get more restful sleep.
My father-in-law had a heart attack at the age of 48, resulting in double by-pass surgery. Yikes. He seemed too young to be going through this. With lifestyle changes, he is doing well 19 years later. As I am in my 40s, I want to be proactive to prevent heart disease. One of the things I do now is take my blood pressure with the portable EVOLV monitor regularly. If I see anything that suggests consistent hypertension, I will be sure to check in with my healthcare provider for advice. The EVOLV is equipped with Bluetooth technology, so I can send results to my doctor easily. Hypertension does not always present with symptoms. So, the Omron BP monitors are great tools for checking in and keeping tabs on your heart.
One of the worst things for high blood pressure is stress. We are an active family with lots on our plates. Raising 5 children is a full-time job, in addition to earning a living. This does come with some stress at times. I have learned that I need to listen to my body and take a step back from work and a busy schedule once in a while to reduce stress and reboot. The best way I know to do this is to have some family time that is joyful. Movie nights are great times to chill. Hikes with the kids and our dog are also stress reducing. Mostly, I feel wonderful and calm when I see that my kids are happy and having fun.