While children are naturally energetic, some are less active than their peers. Due to their hectic schedules, school tasks, and time spent with their screens, some children are becoming less interested in playing outdoors, especially in today’s digital age.

Free photo blindfolded cute boy playing hide and seek game with family

If you want your little one to be more active or put down their devices and play outdoors, here are six simple tips to help.

Consult With Your Child’s Doctor

Before coaxing your little one to move, play sports, or exercise, it is best to talk to their doctor, especially if they have serious health concerns. For instance, if your child has scoliosis and you’re unsure of what type of physical activity is best or want to learn more about how scoliosis braces work, your child’s doctor can identify suitable activities or refer you to a specialist. 

Your child’s physician can also help your little one understand the significance of physical activity and give valuable pointers. If your child has comorbidities, never start a routine without the consent or guidance of their primary doctor.  

Set Feasible Goals

Children tend to get frustrated when faced with challenging situations. Instead of overloading their daily schedules with several activities, set doable goals they can realistically accomplish.  Start simple but provide them with diverse options. Follow your child’s pace and respect their limits. Short, simple, and varied sessions can help build their endurance, prevent injuries, and decrease their chances of quitting.  

Lead by Example

Since most children look up to their parents, one of the simplest and most effective ways to motivate your child to be active is by leading by example. If your child sees you playing sports or exercising regularly, they are more likely to follow suit. Model healthy behaviors and involve them in your physical activities. 

Enroll Them in a Group Class

Children are happier when in the company of friends. Enroll them in a group activity class to make it more fun for your little one. Check your child’s school or your local community for group activities in which they can participate. Let your little one choose the activity they want to pursue and avoid forcing your own interests. Being part of a community or group not only increases their engagement but also develops their social and team-building skills. 

Get the Whole Family Involved

Playing sports or exercising can be a great family bonding activity. Consider each family member’s age and choose an activity that is fun for everyone. Whether it’s walking around the neighborhood every weekend, hiking at a family-friendly trail, or playing soccer in your backyard, make sure to get the entire family involved. 

Make it Fun

Children generally have short attention spans, and may lose enthusiasm if the activity is too simple or too competitive. If you want your little one to stay active, remove stress from the picture and concentrate on fun. The more your child enjoys what they’re doing, the higher the chances they’ll continue. 


Encouraging your children to be more active does not need to be complicated. Take note of these effective strategies and seek outside help if applicable.

, 6 Ways to Keep Your Child Physically Active, Days of a Domestic Dad