The eyes are one of the essential organs in the human body. It allows a person to see and function better in their society.
Must Know For Better Eye Health
The primary purpose of the eyes is to send visual information directly to the brain, but there are times that there are human practices that could damage or cause changes in one’s eyesight.
If not taken care of properly, one’s eyes may deteriorate and give rise to various eyesight problems like refractive errors or blurred vision, glaucoma, dry eyes, and more. At the same time, those factors cause problems with eye health due to genetics and heredity.
By any means, there could still be ways, both naturally and scientifically, that could help in improving your eye health before it gets worse. With this being said, you can always consult eye professionals to guide you. They will be able to tell you if there are any issues, and see if you match the Components of Binocular Vision Dysfunction, as well as other eye problems.
Also, awareness is a great way to prevent further harm to the eyes. To guide you, here are a few dos and don’ts you could do to achieve better eye health.
Eye Supplements
Lutein and zeaxanthin supplements offer a promising solution for individuals looking to improve their eye health. These supplements contain vital nutrients that can help protect and optimize the function of our eyes.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids, which are pigments found in various fruits and vegetables. They are particularly abundant in dark leafy greens like spinach and kale. These carotenoids have been extensively studied and have shown great potential in preserving eye health.
So, why are lutein and zeaxanthin supplements important for our eyes? Firstly, they act as powerful antioxidants, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals that can damage our eyes’ delicate structures. These free radicals can contribute to the development of conditions like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.
Secondly, lutein and zeaxanthin play a crucial role in filtering blue light. In today’s digital age, we are constantly exposed to screens emitting blue light, which can strain our eyes and potentially lead to vision problems. By increasing our intake of lutein and zeaxanthin, we can improve our eyes’ ability to filter out this harmful light and reduce eye strain.
Thirdly, these carotenoids have been linked to a reduced risk of developing AMD. AMD is a leading cause of vision loss and is more common among older individuals. By incorporating lutein and zeaxanthin supplements into our daily routine, we can potentially lower our chances of developing this debilitating eye condition.
It’s worth noting that while lutein and zeaxanthin can be obtained through our diet, many people struggle to consume enough of these nutrients from food alone. This is where supplements come in handy, providing a convenient and reliable source of these important carotenoids.
When considering lutein and zeaxanthin supplements, it’s essential to choose a reputable brand that follows strict quality standards. Look for supplements that are third-party tested and certified to ensure that you’re getting a safe and reliable product.
Incorporating lutein and zeaxanthin supplements into your daily routine can be an effective way to support and maintain your eye health. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements to ensure they are suitable for your individual needs. By taking proactive steps to care for your eyes, you can enjoy optimal vision for years to come.
Use Eye Drops For Mild Dry Eye Cases
Eye Drops are in liquid form that is applied in small amounts, typically in small drops, directly to the eyes to keep the eyes of a person moist and provide relief from any experienced eye discomfort.
Each eye drop contains the same active ingredients, like saline, to match one’s eye salinity.
Other uses of eyedrops are to treat some common eye irritations like redness and eye itching. On the other hand, prescription eye drops are necessary if you’re a patient with a history of minor eye injury, cataract surgery, glaucoma, eye infections, keratoconus, and the like.
If you’re currently given a prescription eye drops medicine, check out if you could avail of some eye drop discounts to help with your finances.
But, if you haven’t undergone any eye exam yet and you suspect that you’re experiencing symptoms of dry eyes, book an appointment with your local ophthalmologist to prescribe you the right eyedrops to help relieve your eye problem.
Don’t Forget To Use Sunglasses
Sunglasses are now deemed to be helpful in protecting one’s eyesight because they also increase a person’s aesthetic appeal.
Fortunately, many people are now into using sunglasses, but you have to ensure that the glasses you use can do their purpose: protect your eyes.
Sunglasses that you must have should have at least 100 percent UV protection. Investing in good quality sunglasses will never be a waste as it prevents harmful UV rays from forcing their way into your cornea.
Sunglasses are a must-have for people who have just undergone cataract surgery! During the healing stages of your eyes, your eyes become more sensitive to the sun’s rays. Thus, you must wear quality sunglasses to prevent harm and boost your eye-healing journey.
Don’t Share Contact Lenses
One myth still circulating to this date is that it’s fine to share contact lenses with other people as long as you clean the lenses with a cleaning solution. The truth is, it’s a big no-no to share contact lenses, no matter how close you are or how much you trust that person.
Various eye professionals suggest that if you want to wear contact lenses, get professional help to give you the right lenses for your eyes properly and if you want your lenses with eye grade.
Sharing contact lenses may give rise to infection, irritate, and damage one’s eye surface.
That said, get only a personal pair of your contact lenses at reputable sources. Learn how to keep it clean and store it properly, and don’t ever dare to go swimming with lenses on or even sleep long hours with them on.
Consume Eye-Health Foods
To boost your eye health, consuming the right foods could significantly help. Fruits and vegetables are known to be best for a healthy diet, but they can also help improve one’s eyesight, protect against various eye diseases, increase eye health, and help with vision.
Bitter gourd, or bitter melon, is a fruit known to have a bitter taste. Due to its taste, many people dislike it and often prevent eating it. But, despite its “awful” taste, it’s packed with essential nutrients that are highly beneficial for the eyes, like Vitamin A and beta-carotene.
Vitamin A is essential for maintaining the health of a cornea or the outer covering of the eyes. While beta-carotene also contributes to better eye health through the prevention of the occurrence of various ophthalmic problems, like dry eyes and night blindness.
Lastly, search for foods with high lutein content, like kale, parsley, and eggs, since it’s known to help prevent some causes of blindness in elders.
Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes
Eye rubbing could damage one’s cornea as it could cause scratches. Once a person’s cornea experiences some scratches, it may be irritated, and redness may occur. Also, these people may start feeling sensitive to light.
Not to mention, rubbing your eyes also transfers germs from your hands directly to your eyes which may cause an even bigger problem.
Thus, as much as you can, prevent rubbing your eyes and if you need to touch anything in your eye area, make sure you clean your hands with soap and water.
Final Thoughts
Taking care of one’s eyes is essential to improve your health. If you feel some eye discomfort, consult your ophthalmologist right away to help you. Even doing some natural home remedies might help, but it may also worsen your situation.
Thus, find some ways you could educate yourself about eye care dos and don’ts to improve your eyesight, like the one stated above.