This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and DripDrop®, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #DrinkDripDrop #DripDropHydrates
How is you New Years Goal going? Are you holding stead to your 2015 new years resolution? What was it? Make new friends, run a marathon, get a new job, loss weight or spend more time with your family?
Are You Beating That New Years Resolution
For me it is meeting new people, spending time with my kids, and living a healthier lifestyle are goals I want to tackle in 2015. I have always felt that time with my family is super important, so more can only be better. And, as far as meeting new people, I will be doing a little travelling this year, so I would love to make some new connections.
Most of all I want to make that dreaded change to live a more healthier lifestyle so I can spend more time with my kids further down the road. So after visiting with friends, my doctor and consulting with the internet I have come to the conclusion that you need to do the following.
Ways to Live a Healthier Lifestyle
1 – Stop Drinking Alcohol – Alcohol in general is one of the worst things for your body. It damages your organs, drains your energy and contributes to your increase in weight.
2 – Stop Smoking – Smoking has absolutely zero health benefits. By smoking you’re not only damaging your own health, but also the health of others around you. It might be hard to suddenly quit cold turkey, but you can start it slowly by finding alternatives such as chewing on nicotine free pouches.
3 – Eat Fruit And Vegetables Daily – With just so much processed and junk food easily available, and with the lack of time and high stress levels it’s just too easy to forget adding fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
4 – Eat Home-Cooked Meals – With a fast food restaurant on every major corner, it is far too easy to pick up food to eat. One way to live a more healthier lifestyle is cooking at home, the ingredients you buy at the grocery store offer more nutritional value than a quick burger.
5 – Exercise Daily – Do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. It’s too easy to get caught up in work and the stress of life to remember to exercise every day, especially because you often don’t have the energy to do it after a long day’s work. It may sound contradictory, but exercising actually gives you more energy throughout the day.
6 – Drink More Water – One thing I struggle with the most, is drinking water. Did you know it’s recommended that you drink at least 8 full glasses of water per day.
Overcoming Dehydration
With the help of DripDrop I found at my local CVS I have been able to combat my desire to drink more water. The DripDrop packets are found on the baby ales at CVS and come in two flavors, Berry or Lemon.
DripDrop provides a simple, cost-effective solution that empowers everyone to treat mild to moderate dehydration with a safe, medical grade solution. Our hydration powder packets fit easily in the medicine cabinet, travel kit, purse and gym bag, so it’s there when you need it. Simply mix with water and consume.
If you are looking a for a scientifically proven way to replenish your electrolytes a after a workout or busy day. While supplies last, I would suggest checking out DripDrop at CVS (found in the baby aisle)!
$1.00 off with the purchase of any ONE (1) box of DripDrop Hydration Powder available 1/25/15 – 2/21/15 (while supplies last)