Disclosure: I am partnering with LifeLock in the #LifeLockProtect campaign. All opinions are my own.
We all know that there is a rising problem with Identity theft in the world today. I know plenty of friends and family that have been effected in one way or another.
(block quote)“Identity theft is a real issue that impacts me and here are the consequences which could happen to you”
Staci and I had an eye opening incident that happened to us roughly ten years ago. We were both in our middle twenties raising our family, and working hard for our money. I believe it was on a Saturday when we noticed something wasn’t right with our bank account.
I can remember that I was pretty angry and felt violated, by whoever took our money out of our bank account. Back then identity theft was still a touch-n-go topic, but luckily our local bank took care of us as far as the stolen money. The bad thing is that it took forever to get things back to normal. Time I didn’t want to waste on some Identity Theft.
Now we use LifeLock to protect us from would be identity thefts, and monitors for any potential threats. With LifeLock you are getting a full scale of services to monitor and protect your family’s identity.
If you are tired of worrying about your valued credit history, and personal information you can enroll with LifeLock today. They are offering a 10% discount to my readers, just use “LifeLocksecure”.
Some of the service offered are tailored for individuals or full size families.
LifeLock™ standard. The features included are:
- Identity Threat Detection and Alerts
- Lost Wallet Protection
- Address Change Verification
- Black Market Website Surveillance
- Reduced Pre-Approved Credit Card Offers
- Award-Winning Member Service 24/7/365
- $1 Million Total Service Guarantee
LifeLock Ultimate™. The features included are:
- Checking and Savings Account Application Alerts
- Bank Account Takeover Alerts
- Enhanced Credit Application Alerts
- Online Annual Credit Reports and Scores
- Monthly Credit Score Tracking
- Black Market Website Surveillance
- File-Sharing Network Searches
- Reduced Pre-Approved Credit Card Offers
- Alias Name and Address Monitoring
- Court Records Scanning
- Unauthorized Payday Loan Notification
- $1 Million Total Service Guarantee
- Priority Award-Winning Member Service 24/7/365
As an additional service you can add on LifeLock Junior™ to monitor your children’s identity.
The LifeLock Junior™ service includes:
- Identity Threat Detection and Alerts
- Credit File Verification
- Black Market Website Surveillance
- File-Sharing Network Searches
- Award-Winning Member Service 24/7/365
- $1 Million Total Service Guarantee
Be sure to follow LifeLock on Facebook and Twitter, and don’t forget about you 10% discount when you check out on the LifeLock Site.