Are you thinking about earning the Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certificate as an entry-level professional? Then, you are surely on the right path. If you want to develop a successful career in the domain of Cloud computing, this certification is a great place to start.

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Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification

It may interest you to know that Cloud computing has become one of the largest industries in the world of IT. It has grown and expanded into different spheres and sectors across the world and significantly altered the way organizations communicate and conduct business.

To guide you through your certification journey, we have highlighted important areas of focus that will help you better understand the process and all the details it contains .

What are the certification details?

This is a fundamental-level certification in the domain of Cloud computing, which is ideal for entry-level job seekers. If you want to build a career in IT and are not sure of the specialty to consider, the Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification can help you chart a career course.

Having this certificate, you can build your career as a Systems Engineer or Developer, a Network Engineer, as well as an IT, Marketing, or Sales Leader. With its help, you can proceed and go for the obtainment of advanced-level certificates to improve your career potential.

Who can pursue this certification?

Luckily, any person can pursue this certification. However, first of all, Amazon recommends that you develop some level of experience before attempting the prerequisite exam.

It is advised that the potential candidates have at least six months of hands-on experience with the AWS Cloud concepts in any sector, including managerial, technical, purchasing, sales, and finance, among others.

The individuals should also have a good knowledge of the IT services as well as applications within the AWS Cloud platform .

Which exam should you take?

Amazon CLF-C01 is a qualifying test that you need to pass with a high score if you want to get certified. The applicants taking this certification exam should expect two question types, including multiple-choice and multiple responses.

The test offers 90 minutes for the completion of all 65 questions, and you can sit for it in English, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. The fee for the exam is $100, and the details of the registration and scheduling processes can be found on the official webpage.

The qualification test of this path evaluates your theoretical and practical knowledge of Cloud computing. It is crucial to understand the details of the exam objectives before you take the test. Therefore, please look at the following highlights of its topics:

  • Cloud concepts: 28%;
  • Security: 24%;
  • Technology: 36%;
  • Billing and pricing: 12%.

You need to master these domains if you want to deal with the Amazon CLF-C01 exam successfully.


Thus, to begin your preparation with some advantage, you need to know the basic details of the certification exam. This way, the interested candidates can ace the test with the right preparation methods and tools.

All in all, to prepare for it, you can take the official training course and use other resource platforms such as to gain competence in the content of the Amazon CLF-C01 test. It is also recommended that you use some mock exams to help you evaluate your knowledge and skills before sitting for the real test.

So, identify your style of learning, choose the right materials after exploring the exam details, and prepare with great deliberation to become a certified IT specialist.