Traveling internationally requires smarter planning than traveling to another state. You will encounter different laws, different languages, and you will want to make your trip as smooth as possible by planning it well. Here are five things no traveler should be without when traveling internationally.
Adaptor Plug
If you are taking any electronics with you, you will need an adaptor plug. Countries outside of the United States have different wall outlets and your electrical devices will not plug into them without an adaptor.
You might also need a converter. Countries outside of the U.S. use 220/240V while U.S. devices run on 110/125V. To determine whether you should bring a converter, look at the label on your devices that states the voltage range.
Don’t be left in a foreign land without your prescription medicines. You might not be able to attain replacements there. Transport them in their original containers along with the paper prescription or an official note from your physician. Check in advance to make sure any medications you bring are allowed in the countries you are visiting. Just because you have a prescription for it here does not mean it will be allowed in all countries.
International Credit Card
Bring at least one internationally accepted credit card, even if you plan to pay for items in cash or traveler’s checks. The credit card will act as your security if you run into unexpected financial problems overseas. Visa and Mastercard are examples of appropriate credit cards. Before you go, talk to your card company to ask them about foreign transaction fees and to tell them your trip plans. Telling them about your upcoming travels can help keep your account from being flagged for suspicious activity.
Copies of your Passport
No matter where you go internationally, always bring your passport as well as copies of your passport. Photocopies of the main page of your passport, which includes your photo, comes in very handy if your passport gets lost. It makes it easier to prove who you are and to get a new passport from the U.S. consulate overseas if you have a photocopy of the original. Leave one copy at home with a friend or family member, and bring a couple of extra copies with you to keep in the hotel safe and secured somewhere in your clothing.
Handling such essential documentation requires careful planning and attention to detail to ensure you’re covered in case of an emergency. Travelers can reach out to Passport Courier Services to help them expedite the process of replacing a lost or stolen passport while abroad. This service can save time and provide peace of mind, knowing that you have professional assistance when navigating any passport-related issues.
Comfortable Shoes
It goes without saying that you will bring clothes, and hopefully you will bring clothes that suit different types of weather you might encounter, but don’t forget to bring the most comfortable walking shoes you can find. No matter where you go, you will spend more time walking than you probably imagine, and some of that time might be on cobblestone roads or other surfaces your feet are not used to. Save the high heels or other fashionable, yet uncomfortable, shoes for an adventure at home.
International travel is always an adventure, but that doesn’t mean it is always a pleasant one. Just remember to follow the tips give here and to start planning your trip as far in advance as possible. The better you plan, the easier your trip will be.