“New Year, New You!” For most people, this is the time of the year you set goals. The most popular time of the year to get in shape even if only for a little while! I am not mocking… I do the same thing! Getting the motivation to get up and get fit is hard to do, but hopefully, you can find these delicious easy to make smoothies light and refreshing!

10 Morning Smoothies

Easy to Make Smoothies

easy to make smoothies

Which is Better Juicing or Smoothies?

Two popular fruit and veggie drinks that are very similar are smoothies and juices. They do some subtle differences, though. Juices contain only fruit and veggie juices, while smoothies consist of finely chopped pieces of vegetables and/or fruit.

Smoothies can also contain other ingredients, while juices are purely fruits and vegetables with the pulp removed. Their differences in how they are made leave smoothies quite bulky inconsistency and juices much smoother. For more differences between juicing and smoothies check out my post.