It is only June, but does not it feel as if the first six months of 2020 have been a lifetime. Seriously, the world has changed so much since new year’s, and regardless of your political views, this has been a hard time for adults and children.

Post-COVID, How to Enjoy the Post-COVID Summer with Your Family, Days of a Domestic Dad

First, there was the lockdown, and with it the closures and job losses, now we have the protests which are tearing the country apart – sadly at a time when we need to come together.

Post-COVID with Your Family

But just because it seems like the world is crumbling around us does not mean that parenting comes to an end. Now is the time that we, as parents, need to be there for our children, not only answer their questions about an uncertain world but also to make memories that will last a lifetime.

What time to make memories as a family then summer. This is a time for get-togethers, pool parties, and a baseball game. Unfortunately, we might be facing the first summer without professional baseball in America since the 1870s (that is a very long time), but this does not mean that summer needs to be a downer. Here are some ideas on how they enjoy the post-COVID summer with your family.

Post-COVID, How to Enjoy the Post-COVID Summer with Your Family, Days of a Domestic Dad

Enjoy Nature

Just getting outside can help you to clear your mind and refresh your batteries. At a minimum it is a chance for your children and yourself to get out in the sun. An added benefit is that the lockdown has given nature a chance to come back – at least for now.

Throughout the country, there have been reports of wildlife returning. While some are curious to see what happened to us humans, others are looking for food. This change in behavior can give us a chance to witness nature in its splendor while going on hikes or off-road cycling. Either way, enjoy nature, it can be a great way to find yourself and to bring your family back together.

Post-COVID, How to Enjoy the Post-COVID Summer with Your Family, Days of a Domestic Dad

Buy a Bike

One thing that has shocked many industry observers is that bike sales went through the roof during the lockdowns.

If you did not buy a bike, then what are you waiting for?  Studies show that riding a bike is not only good for your health, but it can also build better communities.

There’s a wide variety of bikes to choose from, so there will surely be one perfect for each family member. You can even choose electric-bikes (e-bikes), which offer an extended range of use.

While the health benefits of cycling are well-known, it is the benefits for the community, and your family, which are not always talked about. For starters, large numbers of cyclists can bring change to communities, including setting up bike lanes and parking to making neighborhoods more friendly for kids and families. Also, cycling can help to reduce pollution by limiting the number of cars on the streets. This has a direct impact on street-level air quality, which can help our kids as they grow up.

However, you will want to remember that cycling is not without its risks, and this means that you and your kids need to take appropriate precautions when on two wheels. You might also want to teach your kids how to ride safely, as this will help to protect themselves while on their bikes; lastly, if you do get injured while on your bike, do not forget that there are options out for you and your family. This could include talking to a firm like SteinLaw, a leading Fort Lauderdale accident injury lawyer.

Post-COVID, How to Enjoy the Post-COVID Summer with Your Family, Days of a Domestic Dad

Go to The Park

Remember when you were a kid, and the family would pile in the car or ride a bike to the nearest park? If you are looking for a reason to pry the kids away from their smartphones, tablets, and computers, there is nothing better than a day at the park. You can pack a picnic, bring a frisbee or a kite, and just have fun hanging out with the entire family.

Luckily, most communities will be holding their 4th of July fireworks celebrations in the coming weeks, but you should not wait until then to get the park with your family. After all, these are public lands which are paid for by your tax dollars, so get out there and make the most of them.

Pay it Forward

There is no doubt that millions of Americans are suffering as the combination of the economic impact from the lockdown and the potential medical implications of the disease caught the country off guard. As such, you might want to spend some time with your family paying it forward. A little bit of community service can go a long way by helping those in need in your community and by setting an example for your children to follow.

Summer is here, sadly, so is COVID, but this does not mean that you need to stay cooped up. Make the time to enjoy the season with your family. You will not regret it.