“Resident Alien,” the sci-fi dramedy series from USA Network, is a quirky, heartwarming, and often hilarious show that blends the outlandish with the relatable. Based on the Dark Horse comic of the same name by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse, the series follows an alien who crash-lands on Earth and takes on the identity of a small-town doctor, Harry Vanderspeigle, while he secretly plans to destroy humanity. As he becomes more integrated into the town of Patience, Colorado, he starts to grapple with what it truly means to be human. With its unique blend of humor, mystery, and emotion, the cast of Resident Alien has carved out a special place in the sci-fi genre.

Meet the Cast of Resident Alien: Quirky and Hilarious

Spotlight on the Cast of Resident Alien

The success of “Resident Alien” largely hinges on its stellar cast of Resident Alien, who bring life and depth to their roles, making the show more than just a typical alien invasion narrative.

Cast of resident alien: Alan Tudyk as Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle

Alan Tudyk as Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle

Alan Tudyk, a seasoned actor known for his versatility and comedic timing, takes on the lead role as the alien-turned-doctor, Harry Vanderspeigle. Tudyk’s portrayal of Harry is nothing short of brilliant. He perfectly balances the character’s otherworldly awkwardness with moments of genuine humanity, often resulting in laugh-out-loud comedy and surprising emotional depth.

Tudyk’s performance has earned him widespread acclaim, and while he has yet to receive major awards for this role, his work in “Resident Alien” adds another feather to his already impressive cap, which includes accolades for his roles in “Firefly,” “Doom Patrol,” and voice work in Disney’s “Frozen” and “Zootopia.”

Cast of resident alien: Sara Tomko as Asta Twelvetrees

Sara Tomko as Asta Twelvetrees

Playing Asta Twelvetrees, the nurse and one of the few people Harry grows close to, is Sara Tomko. Asta is the emotional heart of the series, and Tomko’s performance adds a layer of warmth and realism to the show. Her chemistry with Tudyk is palpable, grounding the series’ more outlandish elements with authentic human connection.

While Tomko has not yet earned major awards, her portrayal of Asta has been praised for its depth and sincerity, showcasing her as a rising star in television.

Cast of Resident Alien, Meet the Cast of Resident Alien: Quirky and Hilarious, Days of a Domestic Dad

Corey Reynolds as Sheriff Mike Thompson

Corey Reynolds brings a blend of bravado and vulnerability to the role of Sheriff Mike Thompson, a character who initially seems like a typical tough-guy lawman but reveals layers of complexity as the series progresses.

Reynolds, known for his work in “The Closer,” brings a unique energy to the role, making Sheriff Mike both amusing and relatable. His performance has been a standout, earning him recognition as one of the show’s key assets.

Cast of Resident Alien, Meet the Cast of Resident Alien: Quirky and Hilarious, Days of a Domestic Dad

Alice Wetterlund as D’Arcy Bloom

Alice Wetterlund plays D’Arcy Bloom, the town’s bartender and former Olympic skier, who becomes one of Harry’s closest allies. Wetterlund brings a sharp wit and a touch of rebellion to D’Arcy, making her one of the most dynamic characters in the series.

Her comedic timing, honed from her stand-up comedy background, adds a fresh layer of humor to the show. Wetterlund’s performance has been particularly noted for its nuance, as she skillfully navigates D’Arcy’s struggles with her past and her attempts to find a new purpose in life.

Levi Fiehler as Mayor Ben Hawthorne

Levi Fiehler plays Ben Hawthorne, the well-meaning but often bumbling mayor of Patience. Fiehler’s portrayal of Ben adds a lighter touch to the series, providing comic relief without overshadowing the show’s more serious moments.

While Fiehler may not have the same recognition as his co-stars, his performance is nonetheless crucial in rounding out the ensemble the cast of Resident Alien, contributing to the show’s charm.

Elizabeth Bowen as Deputy Liv Baker
Elizabeth Bowen’s role as Deputy Liv Baker provides a wonderful counterpoint to Reynolds’ Sheriff Thompson. Bowen brings a subtle humor and a grounded, no-nonsense attitude to Liv, making her a fan favorite.

Her dynamic with Reynolds is particularly enjoyable, providing many of the show’s lighter moments while also highlighting Liv’s quiet competence.

Cinematography, Direction, and Music

The cinematography in “Resident Alien” is a visual treat, capturing the serene beauty of the small-town setting while juxtaposing it with the surreal and sometimes eerie elements of the alien narrative. The direction, led by David Dobkin in the pilot and various directors throughout the series, keeps the tone balanced between comedy and drama, allowing the story to flow naturally without feeling disjointed.

The music, composed by Noah Sorota, complements the series perfectly. The score blends whimsical and mysterious elements, underscoring the show’s unique mix of humor and suspense. It’s a soundtrack that enhances the narrative without overshadowing it, adding another layer to the show’s immersive experience.

Cast of Resident Alien – FAQ

What is the premise of “Resident Alien”?

“Resident Alien” is a sci-fi dramedy series that follows an alien who crash-lands on Earth and assumes the identity of Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle in the small town of Patience, Colorado. While initially planning to destroy humanity, he becomes conflicted as he starts to understand and experience human emotions and connections.

Who stars in “Resident Alien”?

The show stars Alan Tudyk as the alien/Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle. Other main cast of Resident Alien members include Sara Tomko as Asta Twelvetrees, Corey Reynolds as Sheriff Mike Thompson, Alice Wetterlund as D’Arcy Bloom, and Levi Fiehler as Mayor Ben Hawthorne. Each actor brings depth and humor to their roles, contributing to the show’s unique tone.

Is “Resident Alien” based on a comic book?

Yes, “Resident Alien” is based on a Dark Horse comic book series of the same name created by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse. The TV adaptation stays true to the spirit of the comics while expanding on its storylines and characters.

Where can I watch “Resident Alien”?

“Resident Alien” airs on the USA Network. It is also available for streaming on platforms like Peacock and Amazon Prime Video, depending on your region.

Has “Resident Alien” received any awards or nominations?

While “Resident Alien” has received critical acclaim for its unique blend of humor and drama, particularly praising Alan Tudyk’s performance, it has yet to secure major television awards. However, it continues to gain a loyal fanbase and positive reviews.

Final Thoughts – Cast of Resident Alien

“Resident Alien” is a refreshing addition to the sci-fi genre, combining sharp humor with a heartfelt exploration of what it means to be human. The cast of Resident Alien delivers outstanding performances, bringing depth and charm to their characters, while the show’s direction, cinematography, and music create an engaging and visually stunning world. Whether you’re a sci-fi aficionado or just looking for a new show to marathon, “Resident Alien” is worth your time. It’s a series that will make you laugh, think, and maybe even tear up a little—all while rooting for an alien who’s learning what it means to belong.

Call to Action

If you haven’t yet explored the town of Patience and the world of Harry Vanderspeigle, now’s the time. With its perfect mix of humor, mystery, and heart, “Resident Alien” offers a viewing experience that’s out of this world.

Cast of Resident Alien, Meet the Cast of Resident Alien: Quirky and Hilarious, Days of a Domestic Dad