DODD Disclosure

When you think about all the natural disasters this world has experienced it seems important to have a plan in place so you can be quick to take action. Living in Texas we see many tornadoes run through our town. My family has always had a plan of action for when these monstrous storms rush in. From my oldest child to the youngest, they know to quickly get to the closet under the stairs on the lower level of our home. This is the middle of our home thus the safest in a Tornado. We make sure to have a phone with us so we can keep up with the weather; blankets to keep ourselves covered and we have a crib mattress in the closet to throw on top of us.

Disaster Readiness Doggy Disaster Kit

Doggy Disaster Kit

Remembering these plans can be easy for us to do, but for our pets we need to be mindful for them and be sure to think of them too in these time pressed times. One precaution that my family has taken to keep our two dogs safe in such a situation is to have a “ doggy disaster kit ” ready in for anytime we may need it. We have this incase we need anything to keep our pets safe and comfortable at any time. In our disaster kit we have a one weeks supply of Purina dog food, blankets, leashes, water bottles and collapsible bowls, a toy that brings them comfort, bones to keep them busy and any medication they might be on. We update this regularly so that we will have fresh food and updated prescriptions.


As any family do, we have a fire evacuation plan; we have placed escape ropes in all upper level rooms and have rehearsed performing such procedures. Luckily our dogs are never in a room without someone else in it, our children have been instructed to grab the dogs and go ahead as planed to the neighbors’ house and call 911. Through everyday life events it is important to be aware that these event may happen at anytime, without notice, and all your preparation for a safe evacuation may not be able to be at play, but there is something so simple that could potentially change the odds of losing your pet: getting him/her a collar with their name, your name, phone number, and address. If you pet gets out of the house without you and turns up on someone’s porch, or in the pound this is the way you will find contact with your fur baby again.

Purina Disaster Ready Doggy Disaster Kit

Thanks to Purina for all their tips and efforts in responding to natural disasters it has help me be a better pet owner. Purina responds to natural disasters in the United States that seriously disrupt the functioning of communities causing animals harm and distress. In the United States in 2013, Purina donated more than 60,000 pounds of pet food, 41,000 pound of litter and $35,000 in cash donations to areas affected by natural disasters. Currently, we are working to assist animal welfare shelters in the South Carolina area due to recent flooding. Purina brand dry food products and Tidy Cats brand litter are being sent to local shelters in conjunction with disaster partner Rescue Bank.

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