When you have some free time and you want to spend it with your kids, try to be creative and innovative as much as possible. There are many different activities you can do with them, apart from giving them a computer or phone.

Indoor Activities, 6 Indoor Activities You Can Try With Your Kids, Days of a Domestic Dad

6 Indoor Activities

It is important for your kids and you to spend some quality time together, where they can learn something, enjoy and have fun at the same time. 

Adjust the space of your room to them, do not be bothered with a mess, and try to figure out which activities will capture their attention. No matter how tired you are, certain activities with your kids will relax and rest you. So, take a look at these fun ideas for activities you can try with your kids.

Have Fun with Bowling

When you want to activate your kids and teach them something new, then bowling is a very interesting choice. With a little imagination and creativity, you can play this game at home with your family. This choice will be particularly appealing for experienced bowlers, who enjoy this game regularly. For playing this game at home, you can use empty bottles (or if you want to make the game more difficult, then fill the bottles with water) and they will present bowling pins. 

You can also decorate them by painting or gluing. Also, use some balls that resemble bowling balls and enjoy the game. If your kids are not familiar with the rules of this game, explain them to them and the game can start. Certainly, your kids will love this game, because it will be your joint activity and you can make them happy with the trophy at the end.

Make a House for Your Pets

This activity will be useful for your kids because it contributes to their creativity and develops love and empathy for animals as well. If you have a dog or cat, and the part of the yard where they spend most of their time, then make them a house with your kids. You can leave this job to someone else, but it is better to participate in creation together. 

Their part of the job may be to add some parts to you or to paint the house, and you should take care that your kids do not cut themselves. Also, you can make bird feeders with your kids, and in that way, you will know that you did something good and spent some quality time together.

Move Your Kids with Freeze Dance

If you and your kids enjoy music and dancing, this activity will be perfect for you. Play your favorite music, while your kids dance. At one point, you should stop the music, and they have to freeze in whatever position they are, even if they have a leg up.

It would be more fun if you would ask your kids to freeze in the position of letters or animals. In that way, they move their body and have physical activity, although they are at home. This game will entertain them, and improve their motor skills at the same time.

Play Different Board Games

If your kids have a competitive spirit then board games will be a good choice for you. There are many different board games, but one of the most popular and fun is Monopoly. You have a board game that requires risk and luck because players buy and trade with properties. This game can last for a long time because your opponents have to go bankrupt if you want to win the game. 

The major idea is that you have enough property to have a monopoly, and at the end of the game is when other players will not be able to pay you to rent anymore.

Also, if your kids are more into solving mysteries or love detective stories, then you can play this type of board game. By investigating interesting cases, your kids will develop critical thinking and be excited about their skills in solving mysteries.

Play the Game “Interesting Geography”

With this game, you will check the knowledge of your kids, and they can learn a lot of new things. You have to adjust the notions of the game to the age of your children, and when you do that, the game can begin.

You should form teams with your kids and everyone who participates in the game should choose a letter randomly. 

The rule is to write down certain notions that begin with that letter. For instance, the game usually requires the name of the country, city, river, mountain, animal, plant, and some male or female name of your choice. The team that has more hits and finishes faster wins.

Teach Your Kids to Decorate

Another activity that can induce creativity in your kids is decorating. Keep them busy and interested in decorating some homemade cookies. They can use various edible colors and make different patterns.

You can also buy necessary accessories for jewelry making, and it could become their hobby that develops their skills and talents. After making their jewelry, they could sell it or give it as a gift to someone else. They will enjoy these activities because they will make something by themselves and at the same time, they will learn to share with others.

The time that you spend with your kids is irreplaceable, and that is something that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

In an age of many different obligations, you should make an effort to spend your free time with your kids, enjoy shared moments and create unforgettable memories. The good thing is that your kids can learn a lot from you, and you can learn a lot from them as well.

Indoor Activities, 6 Indoor Activities You Can Try With Your Kids, Days of a Domestic Dad