Jump into the New Adventures of ABC’s Agent Carter Season Two!
One of the biggest hits of 2015 was ABC’s Agent Carter Season One. The show followed SSR agent Peggy Carter played by Hayley Atwell who originated the role on the big screen in the Captain America movies and the Marvel One Shot short film. The show is set in the 1940s and the first season deals with many elements of the larger Marvel cinematic universe in their early forms. These include the Black Widow program in its early development thanks to Agent Carter’s neighbor Dottie Underwood, an earlier version of the Black Widow. Howard Stark’s appearance, along with the Howling Commandos appearances, helps to continue the post Captain America setting. Agent Carter struggles with garnering the respect of her fellow agents in a male dominated field and shows her going on various missions. The season finale showed the defeat of Marvel villain Dr. Faustus.
ABC’s Agent Carter Season Two moves the character to Los Angeles to help with the establishment of the new west coast SSR branch. Being set in Los Angeles opens Agent Carter and her partner Jarvis up to meeting a bevy of new characters and new cases. The new season brings us Mrs. Anna Jarvis, the wife of her partner. The new season also brings politician Calvin Chadwick and his wife Whitney Frost (who is familiar to Marvel Comic fans) as this season’s big villains. Agent Carter will also be getting a new love interest in the form of Dr. Jason Wilkes. She has also not seen the last of Dottie Underwood and the Black Widow program.
We Talk All Things #AgentCarter
As a part of the Stars Wars: The Force Awakens press trip we had a secret visit to the set of Marvel’s Agent Carter. During this stop we had a moment to interview the Executive Producers Tara Butters, and Michele Fazekas. They answered questions like.
A few images have come out of Peggy for season two, is her signature look going to stay with her through the whole season or are we going to see any changes to that?
Tara – It will be different.
Michele – The red hat sort of makes an appearance.
Tara – It is different. We wanted it to be, because you’re in L.A. the look is a little bit different.
What hints can you give us about the upcoming season or what can you tell us?
Michele – The show story moves to Los Angeles, Sousa is running the West Coast, and SSR. He catches a case, and Peggy comes out to help investigate. Because Howard Stark has moved out, moved his sort of base of operations to L.A. you have sort of the burgeoning scientific field. So he’s doing some government contract work and he’s also, opened up a movie studio on the side. So Jarvis is like setting up his Beverly Hills estate out here. Howard does make an appearance, and Dottie Underwood comes back in a fun way.
Was there anything in season one or season two, that you wanted to be in the season or in any episodes that didn’t make it in?
Michele – You know, it’s funny there are definitely scenes. When you have such great chemistry between your actors like between Hayley and James or Hayley James and Dominic, they’re just- they will riff sometimes, and the fact is there’s stuff we can’t always use because it goes off on a tangent or whatever. But the fact is they’re just so wildly entertaining.
We also sit with Hayley Atwell and James D’Arcy which are incredibly funny talented.
In what ways are you like your character?
Hayley – Stubborn, I think, quite determined, quite single minded, tenacious, I think, all the bad stuff I relate to. All the good stuff, I’m like she’s amazing, I can’t relate.
James – I think he’s really kind, and I think he’s like one of the world’s first feminists, particularly in season 1 when, all the men just dismissed her, Carter. Jarvis is like the only person who saw her as a fully rounded three dimensional human being, and I love that about Jarvis and I do identify with that actually. He’s a bit of a Wally. I guess I identify with that. He’s not afraid if his inner Wally, Jarvis. He’s not afraid to be uncool. I am afraid to be uncool, but I am just uncool.
Agent Carter ties in to this larger Marvel universe. Do you find yourselves wondering where different pieces will hook together?
I do feel that because it’s 1940’s we do exist in our own world, really. And that’s, that’s kind of feels unrelated. It feels like we’re, there’s the, this show has it’s own tones, very different from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., for example.
How do you feel being a female role model? In the 1940’s, there aren’t many women doing that kind of job?
I love it so much. It’s a very humbling experience. I’ve been doing lots of conventions, and the great thing about that is I get to meet the fans of the show face-to-face. I get to see the faces of the audiences, and that comes up all the time, young, young people and parents of young people going it’s so nice to see a woman represented. And it’s always a shock to me, ’cause I’m like, well, women are strong.
Agent Carter Season Two
The new season of ABC’s Agent Carter is looking to be even more exciting than the first season. The twists, turns, and fast pace are sure to leave you breathless. You can tune into ABC for all of Agent Carter’s adventures.
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