Disney has always been very ambitious when it comes to bringing us unlikely friendships between man and beast. Beauty and the Beast is a more obvious example, but let’s not forget Aladdin and Abu, Snow White and the forest animals, and of course Mogley and the animals of the Jungle Book. Next week on Wednesday, November 25th, Disney will tell one of its most ambitious stories about friendship between man and nature yet. The Disney-Pixar team rarely disappoints, and this film is one that will likely blow the audience away.
The Good Dinosaur Sunset

The Ambitious Story of Dinosaur Meets Man

Ever since July, when the trailer for The Good Dinosaur Movie came out, Disney-Pixar fans have been anticipating one of the greatest adventures that 2015 has to offer, one that takes place in an alternate universe in prehistoric times. The Good Dinosaur Movie is about the unlikely friendship between a boy and an Apatosaurus, in a world where the fateful asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs just misses it’s course and narrowly avoids colliding with the earth. The film’s premise promises an adventure filled with fun and interesting characters that audiences of all ages will be able to enjoy.

With Jurassic World coming out in the same year, The Good Dinosaur promises to have another take on the relationship between man and dinosaur. This movie will be more uplifting and optimistic than its thrilling counterpart starring Chris Pratt.

The cast for this movie is set for success with up and come actors starring alongside veterans. Jeffrey Wright, who’s well-known for his role as Beetee in the Hunger Games franchise, and Felix in the new Bond films, will be voicing the character of Poppa Henry, the Apatosaurus father of the film’s protagonist Arlo. Arlo, played by Raymond Ochoa, will star alongside Spot, who’s voiced by Jack Bright. Bright and Ochoa are both young up and coming actors, who’ve starred in great films in the past like A Christmas Carol, and Monsters University. Other notable stars include Anna Paquin, Sam Elliott, and Frances McDormand.

The director and co-writer, Peter Sohn, has been involved with making numerous animated movies, including The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Monsters University, and Finding Nemo. Another experienced storyteller on the writing staff is Erik Benson, who worked on such titles as Toy Story 3 and Disney-Pixar’s Cars. Joining the two of them is screenwriter Meg LeFauve, and writers Kelsey Mann and Bob Peterson. With such an experienced group of storytellers it’s likely that this story will be as thrilling as it is touching.


The animation of The Good Dinosaur appears clear, defined, and also very colorful. The trailer shows our young human protagonist and his new friend Arlo meeting, as well as some very colorful dinosaurs they’ll likely be running into along the way. The movie appears to juxtapose prehistoric animals with newer, more familiar animals, and will find a way to unite different species together in the adventure.

The Good Dinosaur is coming out just in time for families to enjoy a trip to the movies together over Thanksgiving break. The film will be available to view in a standard theater as well as in 3D. With everyone’s expectations high, it’s like that the Good Dinosaur will do well in box office sales and become a classic.